Friday, December 22, 2006

Hand-Made Holiday Stocking

Of course I think that the best gifts are homemade. So when it came time to help my brother-in-law celebrate Christmas, it seemed only natural to make him a stocking. His work schedule kept him in New York this season so he'll spend a day or two with my family doing the interfaith holiday or 'jewish christmas', a la my parents. There's no Jesus in sight, but lots of happy, pudgy Santas. And yes, we all have stockings. I didn't want Dan to feel left out.

Here's a photo of the stocking. I'll get an 'action' shot of it later this week. My friends are encouraging me to sell these hand-made items. If you're interested, leave a comment and I'll get back to you about pricing, availablilty for Christmas 2007.

Have a happy holiday!

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